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The personal data received by the operator while managing the website are confidential and will not be disclosed to third parties, except for processors and public authorities in accordance with the legislation in force.The operator who is in control of the personal data within the meaning of Law no. 101/2000 Coll. on protection of personal data as currently applicable is allowed to process the personal data of a user only with the user’s consent. All the personal data is processed electronically and stored on an operator’s server. The operator treats this data as to avoid it being disclosed to any third parties without an authorization. Only responsible persons that were instructed about the responsibilities connected with the law on protection of personal data have access to the data stored on the server. The operator stores and processes the personal data for a maximum period of 10 years.

The operator processes and collects personal data of a user via his/her registration on the website (“registration data”) or personal data of a user to be used for a payment of goods or services of the operator (“payment data”). The operator does not process nor collects any data entered by a user via generator in order to create legal documents (“data for generation”). The data for generation is discarded after an agreement is generated (or if the process of generation is terminated). The data for generation is stored by the operator within a history of generated documents and only in case that the user is registered. These documents can be deleted by the user himself at any time. Mandatory data is marked during the registration. The registration cannot be done without this data. Optional data need not be entered.

The operator processes registration data to keep statistics, records of website users, to provide further services of the operator’s website for registered users, and to send business communications and newsletters from the operator. The processing of the payment data is done by the operator in order to execute payments and for invoice, records, and accounting purposes.

The user expressly agrees with the operator’s processing and usage of the data for the above-mentioned purposes in accordance with Law no. 101/2000 Coll. on protection of personal data as currently applicable. The user also agrees to receive business communications, especially short communications with information about news, products and services of the operator, via the email provided within the registration data. The registered user also agrees with links in the form of URL accompanied by advertising slogans being added by the operator in the end of emails.

The user notes that the emails mentioned above comply with all the conditions of Law no. 40/1995 Coll. on regulation of advertising as currently applicable, and of Law no. 480/2004 Coll. on certain information society services, and thus they are not considered unsolicited advertisement – spam. The user may oppose to receive such emails via an option to opt out provided in each email sent by the operator and/or by sending a notification of disagreement with receiving of advertising messages to the operator’s email address marketing@petrof.com. The user needs to write “DO NOT SEND ADVERTISEMENTS” in the subject of the message.

The user is also informed of the right to access his or her personal data and to edit it, and of the authorizations listed in provision § 21 of Law on protection of personal data. The user agrees with the personal data provided in the above-mentioned way being provided by the operator for the above-mentioned purposes only to subjects that process the personal data for the operator pursuant to a written contract. The list of such subjects is available from the operator on request.

The user gives consent to processing of the personal data for the period of 10 years. It can be withdrawn at any time at marketing@petrof.com and/or in writing at the operator’s address. The user needs to write “DISAGREEMENT WITH PROCESSING OF THE PERSONAL DATA” in the subject of the message.


このウェブサイトは、広告をパーソナライズ、サービスを提供するために使用し、トラフィックのクッキーを分析します。このウェブサイトを使用することによって、あなたは同意します。 詳細を見ます