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Jana Chaudhuri является одной из известных талантливых пианистов подрастающего поколения. Она воспринимает музыку очень глубоко в проацессе переживания каждого сыгранного звука. Помимо сольной игры активно сосредоточена на камерной музыке и регулярно сотрудничает с ведущими чешскими оркестрами.

In piano competitions at home and abroad she has obtained an array of top prizes - she was the winner in the highest category at the International Smetana Piano Competition as well as the International Young Pianists’ Forum in Portugal in 2009. The Czech Music Fund has placed her on the List of Young Artists, and she has consequently been awarded the title Talent Jihočeského kraje (Talent of South Bohemia) again and again. She performs to audiences at a number of Czech and European concert venues, appearing at the Classical Music Festival held as “A Tribute to Rudolf Firkušný”, and is the first Czech pianist to give a concert in India, where she has been regularly invited back since 2014.

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